
MT-GAS Consulting mainly provides supporting services to energy consumers. On the other hand, we also have significant resources to solve questions of energy market strategy, modeling or operative matters.

Energy audit service

Our company provides energy audit services to its partners. Az energiahatékonysági törvény előírja, hogy 2015. decemberétől minden Magyarországon működő nagyvállalat köteles négyévente energetikai auditálást végeztetni. Az energetikai audit energiahatékonyságot eredményező szolgáltatás: olyan előnyöket nyújt, amelyek ellenőrzötten csökkentik a társaságok energiafogyasztását, növelik energia felhasználásuk hatékonyságát.  Az MT-GAS Consulting Kft energetikai auditálást végző gazdálkodó szervezet. Az auditor által elvégzett munka dokumentált, jogszabályban meghatározott tartalommal és formában készül el.

Natural gas market consultancy

The company does its partners' energysupply tenders with great rutin for several years. In the course of this we have tested the market with deep thoroughness. We can get offers for various supply modells. Our purpose is to find and provide the most effective, the cheapest and the best fitting offers for our customers.

Nomination Service

The most important duty of our team today is the calculation and nomination of our customer’s consumption with responsibility on our own risk to the traders serving our customers. In this case our customers get free of the risks that could mean significant extra costs for them without our help. This way customers can get outstanding savings as they do not have to build up an own group that have these abilities and can solve these tasks besides customers do not have to take any responsibility for these activities.